Monday, June 28, 2010

Another Birthday Weekend!

Ok so now I am officially 37 years old.  The Birthday came and went.  Not sure how I feel just yet being a year older but so far so good.  I did have a good birthday, got to spend with my kids and family.  I had to work late on Friday and did a whole bunch of yard work on Saturday so didnt really 'party' too much.  Which is probably for the better.  I was able to have a few adult beverages and overall had a good time.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Not the same Tuesday

Tuesday, June 21 2010 I took the day off.  I started brewing beer about 8am.  I was amazed at how fast I was going.  I did not want to start drinking just yet.  Finished 10 gallons in about 5.5 hours and finished the other shortly after.  This was the first time I have brewed 20 gallons.  I was very happy with the results.  Walked downstairs this morning and found all four containers are bubbling nicely and actively.  Will keep you posted.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Another Fun Filled Weekend

Friday I took off work about 1pm, for some reason I just couldnt get in the mood to work.  Anyway, drove home only to start mowing the lawn...yippee!  Ordered some pizza and shared a bottle of wine with ES.  Saturday was the first day of swimming lessons for my daughter.  I gladly took her and we both had a great time.  She loved being in the water kicking and blowing bubbles.  I was really impressed with the way she learned so quickly to 'swim' in the pool.  Went over to in-laws for some lunch because they were busy on Fathers day.  Saturday evening was the Ohio City Pub Crawl.  I was able to finish in 25:08, a mere 1 minute behind ES (yes I am catching up).  Afterwards had a great meal at GLBC and managed to take in a few pints.  Walked over to Garage bar to meet a few other couples.  Shared some stories and a few more pints and we were ready to go home about midnight.  I had to work at 7am on Sunday (Father's Day) so had to get to bed at a sorta reasonable time.  Worked from 7 to about 11:30 and then was greated by my kids.  They made me a really cool card.  We all got new fishing poles.  I am real excited to try those out!  Sunday afternoon was really cool.  Smoked up some ribs, chicken, potatoes, and corn.  I had my parents over for dinner and they really seemed to enjoy my smoking skills. 

Its Monday and already looking forward to the next weekend, my birthday.  I'll be 37 (yikes)

Wish KG and fam would have been around to hang out with us on Saturday.  Hope your G-Ma is doing well man!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Holy Crap

4 cases! I gotta buy supplies!
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So I am trying to get off work a bit early so I can go home and get ready for Zane Lamprey this evening.  I have been looking forward to this show for quite some time. 

That is all for now, more to come

Monday, June 7, 2010

Another busy weekend...

Great Weekend!
Friday was pretty busy.  Went to a friends house for a brew session.  Then walked home, put the kitties to bed and had to bottle up six gallons of Pinot Noir.  Tastes great going in.  Will keep you posted on that progress.

Saturday, had my own brew session.  Sammy's Black EYE-PA!  Took me about 5 hours with clean up.  Already bubbling as it should be. 

Sunday had my parents over for dinner.  I made a great italian dish.  My own meatballs!  Served with some red wine.  Then, out of the blue, my mom wanted to take my kitties home to spend the night.  What?  Are you kidding?  Ah yea!  So we furiously cleaned the kitchen when everyone left and walked up to the local watering hole and put a few pints back.  Always great to chat with ERS.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Wedding DJ FAIL

Good Stuff!


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