Friday, July 31, 2009

Vacation Day

So I took a vacation day today because I had so much I had to get
done. Woke up about 8am...had breakfast with my wife and kids and
watched some sports center. I had to get a hair cut today so I took
my son with me and talked him into getting one as well (he is 4 1/2).
He did a great job sitting there calmly in the chair while he got his
1st hair cut from a barber. I usually cut his hair. After that we
dropped off my dry cleaning. When my beautiful wife got home I went
for a run (5K) showered quickly and then we went to lunch. Was a
great day. I love spending time with my family.

I racked my 1st wine this evening. Tasted pretty darn good then I
bottled up 10 gallons of my Rauchbier. I tasted it and really was not
a huge fan but I'll judge when its ready to drink.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Kickin it at the dmb concert at blossom with friends and my awesome sexy wife

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Top Movies to watch

Top Movies I want to watch with my Kids (when they are old enough)
1) Rounders
2) Caddyshack
3) Saving Private Ryan
4) Every SpiderMan Movie
5) Every Star Wars movie
6) Weird Science
7) SpaceBalls
8) Better Off Dead
9) The Jerk
10) Scarface

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Woke up at my usual 5:50 am and had to hit the snooze for 5 minutes
but eventually woke up and ran my 3 miles. Was pretty tough getting
up but realized that extra half hour of broken sleep would not have
done me any good. These 6-10pm classes are seriously hurting my
sleep. Thankfully this summer session is only 6 weeks and I am half
way there. I am looking forward to finishing up my schooling in
November. I really miss my wife and kids. I am not able to spend a
lot of time with them during the week.

I did however sneak a card in my wifes drawer telling her how much I
love her along with two Dave Matthews tickets. (pavillion) Concert
set for 7/29. She was very excited and thankful. I am thankful that
I am able to do those sort of things for her. I know she works just
as hard during the week as I do (maybe harder). I just wanted her to
know that her hard work is greatly appreciated.

I will be attempting to make my first batch of wine this weekend. I
am pretty excited. It will not take as long as beer but none the
less, I hope that it will be good in about 6 months.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Well its almost Friday! I am looking forward to the weekend. The
weekend means hanging out with my kids and NO WORK! School has been
pretty difficult. I actually had to drop a class. I have never done
that before, it was a Online Finance class. I really didnt grab the
concept of learning online. There was too much to keep up with,
posts, homework, and excel. I just couldn't keep up, I learn better
by listening in class and raising my hand to ask a question. I dont
think I'll be taking anymore online classes.....

Anyway, I have continued my training for my next 5k which is set for
August 8th. I'm sure I'll be super nervous for that race but I know
I'll get through it. I have a lot on my mind right now and have a
hard time putting my thoughts in to words. I'll have to collect my
thoughts and get back...

Thursday, July 9, 2009


I started classes this weekend....WOW! This is going to be a lot of
work over the next 6 weeks. Two finance classes! Lots and lots of
fun reading with calculations I have not performed in a decade. I
have to get all my homework done before Friday, so I can relax. I
know its all important and I hope it will pay of for me.

Looking forward to the weekend. Going to be camping again in the back
yard with my son and two nephews. We'll have a nice fire with
marshmallows. I will be using my new pie irons as well.... I so can't
wait for that. I might just challenge myself and have both my kids
sleep in the tent along with my two nephews! Won't that be a real

I am surprised that I have kept up on my running. I have been going
about 3.5 miles four times a week. I have another race coming up on
8/8. Well its not realy a race for me, more of a 'run'

Friday, July 3, 2009


Well... I'm brewing up a sweet beer! Got a few buddies ov er drinking and brewin! Had a few beers myself and looking forward to tasting this batch! Fireworks tomorrow and more fun times...
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Thursday, July 2, 2009


Its a 3-day weekend...very well deserved. On 7/3 I will be brewing 10 gallons of German beer. Having a few friends come over and brewin up some good beer. I have continued my 'training' for my next 5k. Running just about everyday and pushing myself. Ran 3.5 miles this evening and felt pretty darn good. My next 5k is going to be 8/5. I think this time I will not be as nervous this time and will take place in the morning. I sorta can't wait!

However...its the weekend now and I have been really looking forward to the time off. Spending time with friends and family over the Independence day weekend is always a good time!