Friday, April 30, 2010

BMX Treadmill FAIL

Good Stuff!


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Video by: StolenProductionz

This video is also viewable at: Funny or Die | DailyMotion


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Reloaded Cavs Seek Revenge Against Aging Celtics

just another road block in the road to a championship!


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via Cleveland Cavaliers News by David Friedman on 4/30/10

Cavaliers vs CelticsThe Cleveland Cavaliers and Boston Celtics each cruised through the first round of the playoffs with 4-1 victories over Chicago and Miami respectively, setting up a rematch of their classic seven game 2008 Eastern Conference semifinals duel—but both teams have made significant … [visit site to read more]


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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Blogging to the next level

Lately I have been looking at other peoples blogs.  Some are plain and some are very detailed.  I sometimes wonder how someone can type up those really long posts.  I don't think I can sit there and just start typing for that length of time.  The topics I read vary greatly...some are about Food in Cleveland, being married in Cleveland, being single in Cleveland, best places to eat in Cleveland, and some about random topics.  I am also amazed at the amount of followers these bloggers have.  I am impressed!  I wonder how many people follow my blog...oh wait its zero!  I guess the blog is more for myself than anyone else but would not mind some followers.  I really do not post anything too interesting (just what I do from day to day).  I post a few pics and random thoughts... isn't that what other bloggers are doing?  

So I'll try to make this post a bit more interesting:
I bought a bottle of 2005 Michael-David Vineyards Petite Sirah Petite Petit and it was awesome!

Here is my review:
Real Cork!  I prefer cork versus that noma-cork.  Very balanced and smooth drinking.  Tasted the dark berries, hint of cherries, cloves, and vanilla.  I did not decanter the wine, poured right in to the glass.  Very good aroma!  I would definately purchase another bottle.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Going to be a Busy Weekend

Have a few things that need to get done. I need to run 12 miles, that
should be a real good time. I am not looking forward to that at all.
Going to a kids birthday party and Chuck E. Cheese, which should be a
real busy and hectic time. I wish they had that video game 'Bad
Dudes', I used to play that game at the mall for hours. I think I
also need to get some painting done. We are updating one of the rooms
at home. I really don't like doing any sort of home improvements but
what can you do?

I think the Cavs played horrible last night. The didnt play good
defensse and missed a ton of shots. They need to practice their free
throws. Had they made them, I think we would have won that game.
They need to play with intensity and need to get the job done. They
are too good to get beaten by an 8 seed.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Hop Fest

I did go to Beer Engine for Hop Fest and had a great time! We did get
our car towed but other than that...great hoppy beers!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Nothing Really New

I say it all the time...its been awhile since my last post. Things
have been pretty busy lately. I was in Indianapolis for work for a
few days. Went to the Orlando Cavs game this past Sunday. Things are
going pretty good. I have to start buckling down pretty soon. I have
some certificates that I need to work towards. Namely the Certified
Ethical Hacker and my CCNA. I am not sure what I can accomplish with
these two certs at this time but I would like to learn these

I am looking forward to watching Three Sheets on April 15th at 11pm
EST. This is the first time it will be on Travel Channel. If there
is enough popularity, I hear they will start taping season 5. I can
assure you that I will be watching or at least DVR'ing that. That is
pretty much all I have to report at this time. I am looking forward
to the nicer weather so I can grill more frequently. Its only April
so I've grilled twice.

Still training for my half marathon. I ran 12.5 miles last week and
then didnt run for about 5 days. Not real sure why I did that but I
did. Got back in the saddle quickly ran about 8 miles so far this
week and plan on running another 12 miles this coming weekend. Those
are pretty long runs considering.